Maths for Smart Lawyers
A course to help you become as comfortable with numbers as you are with words. (Covering elements of SRA Competencies B and D, 3hrs CPD)
Introduction from Bruce
Quick recap of what percentages are and how they work, with a few examples
Quiz on the first few examples
Dealing with VAT: adding and removing VAT from a price
Percentage change: share prices, asset prices, house prices and more
Percentage change quiz
Compound interest
Compound interest quiz
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
Discount rate, lump sum awards, Ogden tables
Discount rate quiz
Fat chance? An introduction to using probability.
Probability basics: quiz
Probability in real life
FREE PREVIEWProbability in real life: quiz
Beware the Ludic Fallacy!
Calculating expected value
Expected value quiz
Bayesian thinking
Bayes theorem quiz
Statistical significance - what even is it?
Statistical Significance quiz
Valuations overview
Valuations quiz
Introduction to this chapter
What is a Balance Sheet? What is a P&L?
P&L overview
Balance Sheet overview
UK vs US Balance Sheet Format
Reviewing a set of accounts - what to look for
Company Accounts Quiz
About the tutor: I'm Bruce Greig, and I am a commercial mediator. I previously built two businesses from start-up to sale. So I have met a lot of lawyers, and I have noticed that many lawyers are not confident with maths. In 2020, I started doing a live maths course for lawyers over Zoom. I have carefully reworked the material from those live zoom lessons into the series of videos and exercises that make up this course.
“I thought I'd engage in some home-schooling for myself and I was not disappointed. Maths, probabilities and spreadsheets should form part of lawyers' training.”
“Never liked double maths at school but two hours with Bruce flashed by. Entertaining, informative, useful.”
“Many thanks Bruce for a most useful and enjoyable session.”